Alex At Home

Thoughts about gardening, cooking and living by the beach in California

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

coreopsis grandiflora "early sunrise"

This very easy to grow flower is a member of the sunflower family. has a profusion of yellow, orange, maroon or reddish flowers with rich, green foliage. It likes bright sunny days and little water, so it is ideal for southern California in the summer. Early Sunrise has semidouble flowers which will bloom the first year from seed and self-sow.

Coreopsis Facts

Bloom time: Summer.
Exposure: Full sun.
Soil: Well drained all purpose potting soil.
Average Size: Stems 1-2 feet high, spreading to 3 feet wide.
Growth rate: Fast in sunny climate.
Water: Little to moderate water.
Fertilizing: Not necessary.
Pruning: Deadhead for longer bloom. Use hedge shears to remove large numbers of spent blooms.

This beautiful, resilient plant is great for use in borders, or for cut flower bouquets and requires little care to keep it looking good - it can even tolerate a moderate drought and bounce right back. Definitely a summer winner!